Either dan neither digunakan untuk meringkas kalimat, namun khusus untuk kalimat negative. Dalam elliptical sentences yang menggunakan either dan neither memiliki rumus sebagai berikut:
…..and neither + auxiliary/to be/modal + S
… and S + aux iliary/to be/modal + not either
Contoh :
He didn’t go to school yesterday.
She didn’t go to school yesterday
He didin’t go to school yesterday, and neither did she.
Atau :
He didn’t go to school yesterday, and She didn’t either.
Perlu diperhatikan dan selalu diingat bahwa Not dalam elliptical sentences selalu disingkat, digabungkan dengan to be atau auxiliary verb yang ada dalam kalimat yang akan diringkas.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan contoh-contoh di bawah ini!
They will not visit you.
I will not visit you.
They will not visit you, and neither will I.
They will not visit you, and I won’t either
He doesn’t do the home work.
I don’t do the home work.
He doesn’t do the home work, and neither do I.
He doesn’t do the home work, and I don’t either.
They don’t watch TV.
Toni doesn’t watch TV.
They don’t watch TV, and neither does Toni.
They don’t watch TV, and Toni doesn’t either.
We haven’t eaten.
They haven’t eaten.
We haven’t eaten, and neither have they.
We haven’t eaten, and They haven’t either.
She hasn’t slept.
He hasn’t slept.
She hasn’t slept, and neither has he.
She hasn’t slept, and he hasn’t either.
Roni isn’t sleeping.
Tono isn’t sleeping.
Roni isn’t sleeping, and neither is Tono.
Roni isn’t sleeping, and Toni isn’t either.
Enjoy your English... (dy)
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