Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Direct and Indirect Speech (part 3)

Pada bagian ini saya akan menjelaskan jenis kalimat Indirect dilihat dari kegunaanya.

A. Kalimat Berita atau pernyataan
Direct: Ahmad said " I work here". Indirect: Ahmad said that he worked there.

B. Perintah
Direct: She said "get up". Indirect: He told me to get up.

Direct: They said to me "help us".  Indirect: They asked me to help them.
Direct: : "Dont't touch me" she asked. Indirect: She asked me not to touch her.
Note: kata kerja yang dinyatakan (get) ditambah (to) jadi to get up.  Menggunakan not to jika dimulai dengan don't.

C. Pertanyaan
Direct: "What is your father?" she asked.
Indirect: She asked me what my father was.

Direct: : "can you play tennis?" ke asked.
Indirect: He asked me if I could play tennis.

Note: Jika kata tanya (WH questions) tidak ada maka bisa di ganti (if) atau (whether) sebagai arti "apakah", diletakkan setelah verb pelapor seperti ask, inquire dll.

Selamat mencoba... bcoz English is Practice...

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Makasih atas komennya yaaa : )