Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

Genre: Recount

Hai guys, now we'll learn about RECOUNT.
Recount text: retell past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The steps for constructing a written recount are:

-    Orientation    : a first paragraph that gives backround information about who, what, where, and when.
-    Event(s)    : a series of paragraph hat retell the events in the ordrr in which they happened.
-    Reorientation    : a concluding paragraph (not always necessary)
Language Feature:
-    Proper nouns to identify those involved in the text
-    Descriptive words to give detail about who, what, when, where, and how
-    The use of the past tense to retell the events
-    Words that the order of events (first, next, then)

Significant grammatical feature:
-    Focus on specific participant
-    Use of material process
-    Circumstance of time and place
-    Use of past tense
-    Use of temporal sequence

Contoh recount text:

Some friends and I went to Yogyakarta for a vacation.

We had our vacation soon after the school exam was over. We chose to go to Yogyakarta because we thought that the place was nice and the people were friendly. In addition, some friends told me that it had a lot of places of interests.
We left for Yogyakarta early in the morning, and we took Pramex train that departed at 08:00. We got off in the Tugu railway station, and headed to Malioboro for some foods and drinks. After we had a walk around the place for minutes, we took a taxi and headed to the beach. It was Parangtritis beach wich is well known for everybody for its legend of Roro Kidul. We played with water and enjoyed the beauty of the waves reaching the seashore. We stayed there for a day before finally we decided to be back to Malioboro.

We were very happy to spend a day playing with water and enjoy the natural beauty of the beach. We left Malioboro at a quarter to four and went back home by Pramex train that departed at 04:00

2 komentar:

  1. good article. thas so help us to do our test about recount ;)

  2. exactly what i look for, nice info! :) thank you


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