Rabu, 05 September 2012

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Fungsi: untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau hal yang akan telah sedang terjadi di masa lampau.

Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Positif: S + would + have + been + Ving
Negatif: S + would + not + have + been + Ving
Tanya: Would + S + have + been + Ving

-When she decided to get married, “She would have been working there for 1 year”.

-I would not have been swimming for 30 minutes
-I would not have been living in Tanggulangin for 3 years
-She would not have been working there for 1 year

-Would You have been swimming for 30 minutes?
-Would You have been living in Tanggulangin for 3 years at that time?
-Would She have been working there for 1 year?

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